About Me
Why Do We Recycle?

Hello, my name’s Mark Lindon. I have to admit that I wasn't always the “greenest” person. I was even known to take a risk and litter once in awhile. However, I started to study the effects of waste on our environment and energy, and I was appalled. I found myself reading and absorbing as much information as I could on the subject. Where I live, recycling isn't a requirement. This makes me mad; it should be a requirement everywhere! I sat my wife and three children down and talked about the importance of recycling. I explained that if we spread the word, we would make a difference in the world. My kids were particularly excited about this concept. Along with their friends, they started encouraging people to have separate bins for their recycle goods. I’m going to share more about this for you.

Five Signs You Need a Steel Recycling Service for Your Industrial Business

10 October 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Steel is a cornerstone of industrial businesses, spanning from construction to manufacturing. As a resource that is both durable and recyclable, managing steel waste efficiently is crucial for operational and environmental reasons. Recognizing the need for a steel recycling service can not only streamline waste management but also contribute to sustainable practices. Here are five signs that it's time to consider professional steel recycling. Increasing Piles of Steel Scrap A clear indicator that you need a recycling service is the relentless accumulation of steel scrap on your premises. Read More …

The Sustainable Benefits of Steel Scrap Recycling

22 May 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Steel scrap recycling is a crucial process that not only helps to preserve our environment but also has numerous economic and social benefits. By recycling steel scrap, we can reduce the need for mining raw materials, conserve energy, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. This article will explore the importance of steel scrap recycling and how it contributes to a more sustainable future. Environmental Impact One of the primary reasons why steel scrap recycling is so important is its positive impact on the environment. Read More …